This work illustrates the application of the fourth-order comprehensive sensitivity analysis methodology for nonlinear systems (abbreviated as “4th-CASAM-N”), which enables the efficient computation of exactly determined 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-, and 4th-order functional derivatives of results produced by computational models with respect to the model’s parameters. Results produced by computational models are called model “responses” and the respective functional derivatives are called “sensitivities” (with respect) to model parameters. The qualifier “comprehensive” indicates that the 4th-CASAM-N methodology enables the exact and efficient computation not only of response sensitivities with respect to customary model parameters (including computational input data, correlations, initial and/or boundary conditions) but also with respect to imprecisely known material boundaries, as would be caused by manufacturing tolerances. The 4th-CASAM-N enables the hitherto very difficult, if not intractable, exact computation of all of the 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-, and 4th-order response sensitivities for large-scale systems involving many parameters, as usually encountered in practice. A paradigm model that describes nonlinear heat conduction through a material has been chosen to illustrate the application of the 4th-CASAM-N methodology, as this model enables the derivation of tractable closed-form analytical expressions of representative 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-, and 4th-order response sensitivities while largely avoiding side-tracking algebraic manipulations. The responses chosen for this paradigm model include not only physically measurable quantities but also a synthetic response designed to illustrate the enormous possible reduction in the number of computation when using the 4th-CASAM-N (rather than other methods) for computing response sensitivities.
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