Allometric equations use easily measurable biometric variables to determine the aboveground and belowground biomasses of trees. Equations produced for estimating the biomass within Canadian forests at a large scale have not yet been validated for eastern Canadian boreal open woodlands (OWs), where trees experience particular environmental conditions. In this study, we harvested 167 trees from seven boreal OWs in Quebec, Canada for biomass and allometric measurements. These data show that Canadian national equations accurately predict the whole aboveground biomass for both black spruce and jack pine trees, but underestimated branches biomass, possibly owing to a particular tree morphology in OWs relative to closed-canopy stands. We therefore developed ad hoc allometric equations based on three power models including diameter at breast height (DBH) alone or in combination with tree height (H) as allometric variables. Our results show that although the inclusion of H in the model yields better fits for most tree compartments in both species, the difference is minor and does not markedly affect biomass C stocks at the stand level. Using these newly developed equations, we found that carbon stocks in afforested OWs varied markedly among sites owing to differences in tree growth and species. Nine years after afforestation, jack pine plantations had accumulated about five times more carbon than black spruce plantations (0.14 vs. 0.80 t C·ha−1), highlighting the much larger potential of jack pine for OW afforestation projects in this environment.
Canadian Network for Research and Innovation in Machining Technology, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Reference66 articles.
1. The State of the World’s Forests 2018—Forest Pathways to Sustainable Development,2018
2. An introduction to Canada’s boreal zone: ecosystem processes, health, sustainability, and environmental issues
3. Forests and Decarbonization – Roles of Natural and Planted Forests
4. Model-Based, Volume-to-Biomass Conversion for Forested and Vegetated Land in Canada;Boudewyn,2007
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