SWATH-MS Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Deer Antler from Two Regenerating and Mineralizing Sections


López-Pedrouso María,Lorenzo José M.ORCID,Landete-Castillejos TomásORCID,Chonco LouisORCID,Pérez-Barbería Francisco JavierORCID,García Andrés,López-Garrido María-Pilar,Franco DanielORCID


Antlers are the only organ in the mammalian body that regenerates each year. They can reach growth rates of 1–3 cm/day in length and create more than 20 cm2/day of skin in the antler tips (their growth centers). Previous proteomic studies regarding antlers have focused on antler growth centers (tips) compared to the standard bone to detect the proteins involved in tissue growth. However, proteins of cell differentiation and regeneration will be more accurately detected considering more growing tissues. Thus, we set out to compare proteins expressed in antler tips (the highest metabolism rate and cell differentiation) vs. middle sections (moderate cell growth involving bone calcification), using ribs as controls. Samples were obtained in mid-June with antlers’ phenology corresponding to the middle of their growth period. Quantitative proteomic analysis identified 259 differentially abundant proteins mainly associated with antioxidant metabolic mechanisms, protein formation and Wnt signalling pathway, meanwhile, the mid antler section was linked to blood proteins. The high metabolic rate and subsequent risk of oxidative stress also seem to have resulted in strong antioxidant mechanisms. These results suggest that redox regulation of proteins is a key factor in the model of deer antler regeneration.


Conserjería de Educación, Cultura, y Deportes de Castilla-La Mancha

Axencia Galega de Innovación

CYTED Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo




General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Immunology and Microbiology,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology








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