Digital Detection of Olive Oil Rancidity Levels and Aroma Profiles Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, a Low-Cost Electronic Nose and Machine Learning Modelling


Gonzalez Viejo ClaudiaORCID,Fuentes SigfredoORCID


The success of the olive oil industry depends on provenance and quality-trait consistency affecting the consumers' acceptability/preference and purchase intention. Companies rely on laboratories to analyze samples to assess consistency within the production chain, which may be time-consuming, cost-restrictive, and untimely obtaining results, making the process more reactive than predictive. This study proposed implementing digital technologies using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and a novel low-cost e-nose to assess the level of rancidity and aromas in commercial extra-virgin olive oil. Four different olive oils were spiked with three rancidity levels (N = 17). These samples were evaluated using gas-chromatography-mass-spectroscopy, NIR, and an e-nose. Four machine learning models were developed to classify olive oil types and rancidity (Model 1: NIR inputs; Model 2: e-nose inputs) and predict the peak area of 16 aromas (Model 3: NIR; Model 4: e-nose inputs). The results showed high accuracies (Models 1–2: 97% and 87%; Models 3–4: R = 0.96 and 0.93). These digital technologies may change companies from a reactive to a more predictive production of food/beverages to secure product quality and acceptability.




Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Analytical Chemistry

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