On Bed Form Resistance and Bed Load Transport in Vegetated Channels


Duan Jennifer G.,Al-Asadi Khalid


A set of laboratory experiments were conducted to study the impact of vegetation on bed form resistance and bed load transport in a mobile bed channel. Vegetation stems were simulated by using arrays of emergent polyvinyl chloride (PVC) rods in several staggered configurations. The total flow resistance was divided into bed, sidewall, and vegetation resistances. Bed resistance was further separated into grain and bed form (i.e., ripples and dunes) resistances. By analyzing experimental data using the downhill simplex method (DSM), we derived new empirical relations for predicting bed form resistance and the bed load transport rate in a vegetated channel. Bed form resistance increases with vegetation concentration, and the bed load transport rate reduces with vegetation concentration. However, these conclusions are obtained by using experimental data from this study as well as others available in the literature for a vegetated channel at low concentration.


National Science Foundation




Water Science and Technology,Aquatic Science,Geography, Planning and Development,Biochemistry

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