Optimization of a Simultaneous Enzymatic Hydrolysis to Obtain a High-Glucose Slurry from Bread Waste


Sigüenza-Andrés TeresaORCID,Pando ValentínORCID,Gómez ManuelORCID,Rodríguez-Nogales José M.ORCID


Bread and bakery products are among the most discarded food products in the world. This work aims to investigate the potential use of wasted bread to obtain a high-glucose slurry. Simultaneous hydrolysis of wasted bread using α-amylase and glucoamylase was carried out performing liquefaction and saccharification at the same time. This process was compared with a traditional sequential hydrolysis. Temperature and pH conditions were optimized using a response surface design determining viscosity, reducing sugars and glucose concentration during the enzymatic processes. The optimal conditions of pH and temperature in the saccharification stage and the simultaneous hydrolysis were pretty similar. Results show that the slurry produced with simultaneous process had a similar glucose yield at 2 h, and at 4 h a yield higher than that obtained by the sequential method of 4 h and could reduce time and energy.


Junta de Castilla y León

FEDER-Interreg Spain-Portugal programme




Plant Science,Health Professions (miscellaneous),Health (social science),Microbiology,Food Science

Reference39 articles.

1. FAO Food Wastage Footprint: Impacts on Natural Resources—Summary Report http://www.fao.org/3/a-i3347e.pdf

2. Use of waste bread to produce fermentation products;Melikoglu,2013

3. European Comission Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on Waste and Repealing Certain Directives (Text with EEA Relevance) http://data.europa.eu/eli/dir/2008/98/oj

4. Sourdough-type bread from waste bread crumb

5. Physical and technofunctional properties of yellow pea flour and bread crumb mixtures processed with low moisture extrusion cooking

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