COLREG-Compliant Optimal Path Planning for Real-Time Guidance and Control of Autonomous Ships


Zaccone RaphaelORCID


While collisions and groundings still represent the most important source of accidents involving ships, autonomous vessels are a central topic in current research. When dealing with autonomous ships, collision avoidance and compliance with COLREG regulations are major vital points. However, most state-of-the-art literature focuses on offline path optimisation while neglecting many crucial aspects of dealing with real-time applications on vessels. In the framework of the proposed motion-planning, navigation and control architecture, this paper mainly focused on optimal path planning for marine vessels in the perspective of real-time applications. An RRT*-based optimal path-planning algorithm was proposed, and collision avoidance, compliance with COLREG regulations, path feasibility and optimality were discussed in detail. The proposed approach was then implemented and integrated with a guidance and control system. Tests on a high-fidelity simulation platform were carried out to assess the potential benefits brought to autonomous navigation. The tests featured real-time simulation, restricted and open-water navigation and dynamic scenarios with both moving and fixed obstacles.




Ocean Engineering,Water Science and Technology,Civil and Structural Engineering

Reference38 articles.

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