Wild Edible Plant Species in the ‘King’s Lagoon’ Coastal Wetland: Survey, Collection, Mapping and Ecological Characterization


Cammerino Anna Rita Bernadette1,Piacquadio Lorenzo1,Ingaramo Michela1ORCID,Gioiosa Maurizio1ORCID,Monteleone Massimo1


1. Department of Science of Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources and Engineering, University of Foggia, Via Napoli, 25, 71122 Foggia, Italy


Wild edible plants, botanically defined as phytoalimurgical species, have historically been a useful source of food to cope with recurrent famines and poor farming conditions. If properly identified, harvested, transformed and promoted, alimurgical plants could further enhance the wellbeing of rural and urban communities and the multifunctional productivity of agriculture. The research aimed to survey alimurgical species in a wetland, map their location, detect their spatial richness, and develop a monitoring plan for ongoing vegetation succession. The study area is the King’s Lagoon, a wetland that has recently undergone a radical restoration of its natural layout. A satellite image was used to create a land cover map and interpret the relationship between plant species and land cover. The survey provided a snapshot of the wetland’s current ecosystem status and used botanical analysis and ecological indices to investigate biodiversity levels. The alpha, beta and gamma levels of biodiversity were explored and interpreted through the statistical processing of a comprehensive dataset of species occurrence and abundance, together with the calculation of Shannon’s, Simpson’s and Jaccard’s indices. It was observed that biodiversity in the wetland is developing gradually following restoration and is expected to increase over time as successional stages take hold. Biodiversity is more pronounced along the banks of the canals and watercourses connecting the basins and open ponds, while it is less pronounced in areas where the soil has been disturbed by previous excavations. Salicornia spp., Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima and Suaeda vera were identified as the most common and interesting species found in the study area. The potential for cultivation of some of the halophyte species that were monitored was also highlighted, with particular reference to the selection of the most commercially interesting species, the best species associations and intercropping practices in a wetland context, which must always prioritize the conservation of wild biodiversity. The spring surveys should be repeated in the coming years in order to accurately trace the dynamics of the ecological succession of this particular ecosystem, once it has returned to its natural development.


Agritech National Research Center

European Union Next-GenerationEU, Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza










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