Pattern Formation and Aggregation in Ensembles of Solitons in Quasi One-Dimensional Electronic Systems


Karpov Petr,Brazovskii Serguei


Broken symmetries of quasi one-dimensional electronic systems give rise to microscopic solitons taking roles of carriers of the charge or spin. The double degeneracy gives rise to solitons as kinks of the scalar order parameter A; the continuous degeneracy for the complex order parameter Aexp(iθ) gives rise to phase vortices, amplitudes solitons, and their combinations. These degrees of freedom can be controlled or accessed independently via either the spin polarization or the charge doping. The long-range ordering in dimensions above one imposes super-long-range confinement forces upon the solitons, leading to a sequence of phase transitions in their ensembles. The higher-temperature T transition enforces the confinement of solitons into topologically bound complexes: pairs of kinks or the amplitude solitons dressed by exotic half-integer vortices. At a second lower T transition, the solitons aggregate into rods of bi-kinks or into walls of amplitude solitons terminated by rings of half-integer vortices. With lowering T, the walls multiply, passing sequentially across the sample. Here, we summarize results of a numerical modeling for different symmetries, for charged and neutral soliton, in two and three dimensions. The efficient Monte Carlo algorithm, preserving the number of solitons, was employed which substantially facilitates the calculations, allowing to extend them to the three-dimensional case and to include the long-range Coulomb interactions.




Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous),General Mathematics,Chemistry (miscellaneous),Computer Science (miscellaneous)

Reference21 articles.

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