1. European Commission Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Regulation (EU) 2019/631 as Regards Strengthening the CO2 Emission Performance Standards for New Passenger Cars and New Light Commercial Vehicles in Line with the Union’s Increased Climate Ambition. CELEX 52021PC0556,2021
2. New Car Registrations by Fuel Type, European Unionhttps://www.acea.auto/files/20220202_PRPC-fuel_Q4-2021_FINAL.pdf
3. Interactive Map—Correlation between Electric Car Sales and Charging Point Availability (2021 Update), ACEA-European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association-2021https://www.acea.auto/figure/interactive-map-correlation-between-electric-car-sales-and-charging-point-availability-2021-update
4. ACEA Proposal for the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR), ACEA Position Paperhttps://www.acea.auto/files/ACEA_Position_Paper-Alternative_Fuels_Infrastructure_Regulation.pdf
5. Electric vehicles and the electric grid: A review of modeling approaches, Impacts, and renewable energy integration