Global Path Planning for Autonomous Ship Navigation Considering the Practical Characteristics of the Port of Ulsan


Yun Sang-Woong1ORCID,Kim Dong-Ham2ORCID,Kim Se-Won3ORCID,Kim Dong-Jin2ORCID,Kim Hye-Jin2ORCID


1. Autonomous Ship Verification & Evaluation Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Ship and Ocean Engineering, Ulsan 44055, Republic of Korea

2. Advanced-Intelligent Ship Research Division, Korea Research Institute of Ship and Ocean Engineering, Daejeon 34103, Republic of Korea

3. Department of Intelligent Mechatronics Engineering, Sejong University, Seoul 05006, Republic of Korea


This study introduces global path planning for autonomous ships in port environments, with a focus on the Port of Ulsan, where various environmental factors are modeled for analysis. Global path planning is considered to take place from departure to berth, specifically accounting for scenarios involving a need to navigate via anchorage areas as waypoints due to unexpected increases in port traffic or when direct access to the berth is obstructed. In this study, a navigable grid for autonomous ships was constructed using land, breakwater, and water depth data. The modeling of the Port of Ulsan’s traffic lanes and anchorage areas reflects the port’s essential maritime characteristics for global path planning. In this study, an improved A* algorithm, along with grid-based path planning, was utilized to determine a global path plan. We used smoothing algorithms to refine the global paths for practical navigation, and the validation of these paths was achieved through conducting ship maneuvering simulations from model tests, which approximate real-world navigation in navigational simulation. This approach lays the groundwork for enhanced route generation studies in complex port environments.


Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries




Ocean Engineering,Water Science and Technology,Civil and Structural Engineering







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