Evaluation of Cloud Water Resources in the Huaihe River Basin Based on ERA5 Data


Gao Jinlan1,Feng Jingjing1,Cao Yanan1,Zheng Xiaoyi1


1. Anhui Weather Modification Office, Heifei 230031, China


High-resolution reanalysis data are an effective way to evaluate cloud water resources (CWRs). Based on ERA5 reanalysis data and gridded observed precipitation data, combined with the diagnostic quantification method of cloud water resource (CWR-DQ), we analyze and evaluate the CWRs and their distribution characteristics in the Huaihe River Basin from 2011 to 2021. Moreover, we compare and evaluate the CWRs of two typical precipitation processes in summer and winter. The results show that the annual total amount of atmospheric hydrometeor (GMh) in the Huaihe River Basin is approximately 1537.3 mm. The precipitation (Ps) is 963.5 mm, the cloud water resource (CWR) is 573.8 mm, and the precipitation efficiency of hydrometeor (PEh) is 62.4%. The CWR in the Huaihe River Basin shows a slow increasing trend from 2011 to 2021.The monthly variations in Ps, CWR, and PEh show a single peak distribution. The spatial horizontal distributions of the gross mass of water vapor (GMv), GMh, and Ps in the Huaihe River Basin are zonal, and the values decrease with increasing latitude. In summer, the hydrometeors are mainly distributed in the middle layer (between 600 and 350 hPa). The hydrometeors in spring, autumn, and winter are mainly below 500 hPa. Two cases reveal that GMv, the condensation from water vapor to hydrometeors (Cvh), GMh, Ps, and PEh in the summer case are significantly higher compared to those in the winter case, while the CWRs are similar. The results are helpful for proposing rational suggestions for the Huaihe River Basin and to provide some beneficial reference for the development of CWRs.


National Key Research and Development Program of China

Anhui Province Key Research and Development Plan Project, China




Atmospheric Science,Environmental Science (miscellaneous)








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