
Ladyzhenskaya Ol'ga1,Simahin Maksim1,Kryuchkova Viktoriya1,Donskih Vitaliy1


1. N.V. Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden, the Russian Academy of Sciences


The objective of the study is to identify the most promising varieties of garden strawberries for cultivation under industrial conditions in the Moscow Region. The study was carried out in 2022 and 2023 on the territory of the Kolomenskaya Yagoda farm (Moscow Region). The objects of the study were the following varieties of garden strawberries: Aromas, Clery, Mara des Bois, Monterey and San Andreas. The year of planting was 2022. The soil of the experimental plot was gray forest loamy. Planting pattern: 2.0 m bet¬ween rows and 0.3 m in a row between plants. Agrotextile (density 120 g/m2) was used in the experimental plots. Drip irrigation was installed on the plantation. Records and observations were carried out according to the classical methodology of setting up experiments with fruit crops by E.N. Sedov, T.P. Ogoltsova. For the study, 30 fruits were randomly selected and their quantitative (fruit length (mm), fruit diameter (mm), fruit weight (g), content of soluble dry substances (°Bx), fruit density (g), peduncle length (mm)) and qualitative (fruit color, glossiness, aroma) traits were assessed. Strawberries Mara des Bois, with minimal length (22.2 mm), diameter (20.4 mm), weight (5.2 g) and density (457.8 g), have the highest content of soluble dry substances (13.4 Bx°). The varieties Aromas, Clery and San Andreas have the maximum length, diameter and weight, but Aromas has a high accumulation of sugars at low fruit density, while Clery and San Andreas have medium and low content of soluble dry substances at high density. Contingency analysis revealed a highly reliable relationship between fruit length, width and weight (0.709–0.897). Organoleptic observations showed that fruits of 4 varieties have a red color. Strong glossiness was noted in Clery, Mara des Bois and San Andreas. Aromas, Mara des Bois and San Andreas have a strong aroma.


Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

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