The present research aimed to explore the perspectives and creations of middle school students regarding Op Art design activities. Four Op Art activities were implemented in this study. The students' opinions were collected through an observation form, an open-ended questionnaire, and individual interviews. Content analysis was employed to analyze the students' responses. The students' Op Art designs were evaluated using a creativity diamond model comprising frequency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration competencies. Three themes emerged from the students' Op Art design process: mathematical expression, visual expression, and creativity skills. Similarly, six themes were identified from the students' viewpoints on Op Art designs: general perspectives on Op Art designs, aspects of Op Art design activities that were liked or disliked, the success of the created designs, exciting aspects of the Op Art activity, perspectives on the use of Op Art activities in mathematics lessons, and instructive aspects of Op Art activities. This study suggests that Op Art activities have the potential to enhance students' creativity, particularly flexibility competencies, and foster an appreciation for the process rather than solely focusing on the end result.
Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronics Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
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