A PERCEPÇÃO DO IDOSO FRENTE AO ENVELHECIMENTO E À MORTE: uma revisão narrativa da bibliografia


Silva Laurielly Nunes da,Souza Silmara Cristina da Silva,Reis Ernane Júnior da Silva


This study focuses on the perception of aging and death among the elderly, addressing the contribution of psychology to help them face the challenges related to these natural and inevitable processes in human life. Aging is a period of biological, psychological, socioeconomic and cultural changes, often accompanied by significant losses. Family support plays a crucial role in this context. The perception of death in old age varies widely, influenced by past experiences, religious and cultural beliefs, as well as the physical and mental health of the elderly. It is fundamental to promote an open dialogue about death in society, reducing stigmas and taboos, so that the elderly feel free to share their concerns. Furthermore, it is important to recognize that aging is not homogeneous, and individual experiences vary, requiring personalized approaches. Psychology plays a vital role in coping with grief in old age, offering emotional and psychological support. Therapeutic techniques must be adapted to the individual needs of the bereaved, aiming to help them deal with their emotions in a healthy way and rebuild their lives. In summary, this study highlights the importance of psychology and gerontology in understanding aging and death among the elderly, aiming to improve their quality of life and reduce the fear associated with death.


Psicologia e Saude em Debate

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