SISTEMAS DE CONFINAMENTO DE BOVINOS DE CORTE SOB A DIETA DE ALTO GRÃO: um estudo de caso em uma fazenda do município de João Pinheiro/MG no ano de 2023


Mendes Dione Felipe,Soares Unilson Gomes,Silva Priscila Loire


Brazil is recognized as one of the largest beef producers in the world. However, as in any production sector, the search for improvements and innovations is constant to meet market demands and achieve higher production levels. One of the techniques that has gained prominence as a means of improving production to meet growing market demands is the confinement of beef cattle with diets based on a high grain content. The general objective of this research is to describe the methods of confinement of cattle, with emphasis on the confinement system based on a high-grain diet, through a case study carried out on a farm in the city of João Pinheiro/MG, where it was possible to compile concrete data on the topic. To achieve the general objective, it was necessary to outline the following specific objectives: prepare a brief literature review on the two types of confinement; present a case study on high grain confinement and discuss the results in accordance with the literature. This is basic research, in terms of approach it is qualitative research. As for the objectives, this is a descriptive and exploratory research. As for the procedure, it is bibliographical research and case study. The data presented in the case study revealed that the confinement system with a high grain content proved to be more profitable compared to the conventional method, due to the shorter period of stay of the animals in the confinement, which allows for a more efficient turnover. broad. The high-grain diet is beneficial because the animal gains weight quickly, there is predictability, a lower age for slaughter and a lower environmental impact.


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