1. Bodnár, K., and T. Schuler. (2022). “Box 6. The surge in euro area food inflation and the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war”. EconomicBulletin, 4/2022. European Central Bank. https://www.ecb.europa.eu/pub/economic-bulletin/focus/2022/html/ecb.ebbox202204_06~4e32074619.en.html
2. Borrallo, F., L. Cuadro-Sáez and J. J. Pérez. (2022). “Rising food commodity prices and their pass-through to euro area consumerprices”. Economic Bulletin – Banco de España, 3/2022, Analytical Articles. https://www.bde.es/f/webbde/SES/Secciones/Publicaciones/InformesBoletinesRevistas/ArticulosAnaliticos/22/T3/Files/be2203-art23e.pdf
3. Deutsche Bundesbank. (2020). “Impact of the temporary reduction in VAT on consumer prices”. Monthly Report, November, pp. 56-58. https://www.bundesbank.de/resource/blob/852288/b4536c5320b4107d8689fafafe7cfb45/mL/2020-11-konjunktur-data.pdf
4. European Commission. (2022a). “Short-term outlook for EU agricultural markets, Spring 2022”. European Commission, DGAgriculture and Rural Development, Brussels. https://agriculture.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2022-04/short-term-outlook-spring-2022_en_0.pdf15 Specifically, producer prices for plastic packing and packaging rose 14% in 2022.16 In the case of Spain, additionally, in January 2023 the reduction in VAT on some basic foodstuffs came into force, meaning that inJanuary and February there was a slight slowdown in food price growth in Spain, which was not the case in the wider euro area.17 For example, estimations for Spanish olive oil production from the 2022 harvest – constituting the 2022/23 marketing year – pointto it being 48% lower than in 2021/22, largely on account of the effects of the drought (MAPA, 2022a).BANCO DE ESPAÑA 11 ECONOMIC BULLETIN 2023/Q2, 01 CONSUMER FOOD PRICES: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE EURO AREA AND SPAIN# European Commission. (2022b). “Short-term outlook for EU agricultural markets, Autumn 2022”. European Commission, DGAgriculture and Rural Development, Brussels. https://agriculture.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2022-10/short-term-outlook-autumn-2022_en_1.pdf
5. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2022a). “Developments in Global Fertilizer Markets”. Committee onCommodity Problems, Seventy-fifth Session. Rome, 13-15 July. https://www.fao.org/3/nj408en/nj408en.pdf