1. “Airport pavement design and evaluation.” (1978). Advisory Circular 150/5320-6C Federal Aviation Admin. Washington D.C.
2. Department of the Army. (1988). “Rigid pavements for airfields.” Tech. Manual 5-825-3 Washington D.C.
3. Federal Aviation Administration. (1980). “Procedure for condition survey of civil airports.” Rep. No. FAA-RD-80-55 Washington D.C.
4. Kreger W. C. (1967). “Computerized aircraft ground flotation analysis-edge loaded rigid pavement.” Rep. EER-FW-572 General Dynamics Corp. Fort Worth Tex.
5. Parker F. Barker W. Gunkel R. and Odom E. (1979). “Development of a structural design procedure on rigid airport pavements.” Tech. Rep. GL-79-4 U.S. Army Engr. Wtrwy. Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss.