1. Test Cases for Canal Control Algorithms
2. Liu F. (1995). “Analysis of control algorithms for water delivery in irrigation canals based on hydrodynamic simulation ” PhD dissertation Catholic University of Leuven Belgium.
3. Downstream Control of Multireach Canal Systems
4. Liu F. Malaterre P. O. Baume J. P. Kosuth P. and Feyen J. (1995b). “CLIS: evaluation of a canal automation algorithm using test cases set by ASCE task committee.” Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Water Resour. Engrg. ASCE New York N.Y. 486–490.
5. Liu F. Sujatmoko and Feyen J. (1997). “Robust analysis of canal automation algorithm CLIS.” Proc. Int. Workshop on Regulation of Irrig. Canals CEMAGREF France LAAS France and Cadi Ayyad University Morocco 268–275.