1. Bos M. G. (1985). Long‐throated flumes and broad‐crested weirs . Martin Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk Publishers Dordrecht The Netherlands.
2. Bos M. G. Replogle J. A. and Clemmens A. J. (1984). Flow measuring flumes for open channel systems . John Wiley&Sons New York N.Y.
3. Design of long-throated structures for flow measurement
4. Clemmens A. J. Replogle J. A. and Bos M. G. (1987a). Flume: A computer model for estimating flow through long‐throated measuring flumes . U.S. Dept. of Agr. Agric. Res. Serv. ARS‐57.
5. Contraction Ratios for Weir and Flume Designs