1. Bos M. G. (1985). Long‐throated flumes and broad‐crested weirs . Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk Publishers Dordrecht The Netherlands 141 pp.
2. Bos M. G. Replogle J. A. and Clemmens A. J. (1984). Flow measuring flumes for open channel systems . John Wiley and Sons New York N.Y. 321 pp.
3. Rectangular Measuring Flumes for Lined and Earthen Channels
4. Clemmens A. J. Replogle J. A. and Bos M. G. (1987). “FLUME: A computer model for estimating flow through long‐throated measuring flumes.” ARS‐57 USDA Agricultural Research Service Phoenix Ariz. 68 pp.