1. Consulting engineering—A guide for the engagement of engineering services: ASCE Manual No. 45-1968 . (1968). ASCE New York N.Y.
2. Consulting engineering—A guide for the engagement of engineering services; Revised Edition: ASCE Manual No. 45-1988 . (1988). ASCE New York N.Y.
3. Dell'Isola M. D. (1981). “Methods for establishing design budgets and schedules.” Proc. Spec. Conf. on Effective Mgmt. of Engrg. Des. ASCE Engrg. Mgmt. Div. New York N.Y.
4. Kenley R. and Wilson O. D. (1986). “A construction project cash flow model—An idiographic approach.” Constr. Mgmt. and Economics (Winter).
5. Kutz S. A. (1981). “Programmed project management in Pennsylvania: Statewide data access.” Transp. Res. Rec. 826 Transp. Res. Board Washington D.C.