1. Associate Professor, College of Mechanical Engineering, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Yueyang 414006, China (corresponding author).
2. Graduate Student, College of Mechanical Engineering, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Yueyang 414006, China.
3. Professor, Research Center of Engineering Thermophysics, North China Electric Power Univ., Beijing 102206, China.
4. Associate Professor, College of Mechanical Engineering, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Yueyang 414006, China.
5. Undergraduate, College of Mechanical Engineering, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Yueyang 414006, China.
6. Professor, College of Civil Engineering, Hunan Univ., Changsha 410082, China.
7. Professor, College of Mechanical Engineering, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Yueyang 414006, China.