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2. Haddadi H. Shakal A. Stephens C. Savage W. Huang M. Leith W. and Parrish J. (2008) "Center for Engineering Strong-Motion Data (CESMD) " Proceedings of the 14 th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering October 2008 Beijing China
3. Huang M.J. and Shakal A.F. (2006) "Strong Motion Instrumentation of Port Structures in California by CSMIP " ASCE-TCLEE Seismic Instrumentation Monograph to be published in 2009.
4. MacDonnell M. and LaBasco T. (2006) "Planning and Implementation of Instrumentation: Experience at the Port of Oakland " ASCE-TCLEE Seismic Instrumentation Monograph to be published in 2009.
5. Port of Oakland "Vision 2000 Maritime Development Program " Port of Oakland web site (http://www.portofoakland.com/pdf/mari_vision.pdf)