1. Knowledge Craft User Manual . (1986). Carnegie Group Inc. Pittsburgh Penn.
2. Forgey C. L. (1981). “OPS5 user's manual.” Tech. Report No. CMU‐CS‐81‐135 Carnegie‐Mellon Univ. Pittsburgh Penn. July.
3. Forgey C. L. (1984). “The OPS83 user's manual and report.” Tech. Report No. CMU‐CS‐84‐133 Carnegie‐Mellon Univ. Pittsburgh Penn. May.
4. Karakatsanis A. (1985). “FLODER: a floor designer expert system.” thesis presented to the Dept. of Civ. Engrg. Carnegie‐Mellon Univ. Pittsburgh Penn. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.
5. Maher M. L. (1984). “HI‐RISE: a knowledge‐based expert system for the preliminary design of high rise buildings.” thesis presented to the Dept. of Civ. Engrg. Carnegie‐Mellon Univ. Pittsburgh Penn. in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.