1. Universitá della Svizzera Italiana, Faculty of Informatics, TI-6900 Lugano, Switzerland edoardo.vecchi@usi.ch
2. VSB Ostrava, Department of Mathematics, Ludvika Podeste 1875/17 708 33 Ostrava, Czech Republic lukas.pospisil@vsb.cz
3. University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Institute of Physiology, 55128 Mainz, Germany s.albrecht@uni-mainz.de
4. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia Terence.O'Kane@csiro.au
5. Universitá della Svizzera Italiana, Faculty of Informatics, TI-6900 Lugano, Switzerland horenkoi@usi.ch