The Semantics of Syntax: The Grounding of Transitive and Intransitive Constructions


van Dam Wessel O.,Desai Rutvik H.


Abstract Embodied theories of language maintain that brain areas associated with perception and action are also involved in the processing and representation of word meaning. A number of studies have shown that sentences with action verbs elicit activation within sensory–motor brain regions, arguing that sentence-induced mental simulations provide a means for grounding their lexical-semantic meaning. Constructionist theories argue, however, that form–meaning correspondence is present not only at the lexical level but also at the level of constructions. We investigated whether sentence-induced motor resonance is present for syntactic constructions. We measured the BOLD signal while participants read sentences with (di)transitive (caused motion) or intransitive constructions that contained either action or abstract verbs. The results showed a distinct neuronal signature for caused motion and intransitive syntactic frames. Caused motion frames activated regions associated with reaching and grasping actions, including the left anterior intraparietal sulcus and the parietal reach region. Intransitive frames activated lateral temporal regions commonly associated with abstract word processing. The left pars orbitalis showed an interaction between the syntactic frame and verb class. These findings show that sensory–motor activation elicited by sentences entails both motor resonance evoked by single words as well as at the level of syntactic constructions.


MIT Press - Journals


Cognitive Neuroscience

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