1. Ossi Kotavaara is a doctoral student, Department of Geography, University of Oulu. He is the author of, with Harri Antikainen and Jarmo Rusanen, “Population Change and Accessibility by Road and Rail Networks: GIS and Statistical Approach to Finland, 1970–2007,” Journal of Transport Geography (2011), at .
2. Harri Antikainen is GIS Analyst, Department of Geography, University of Oulu. He is the author of “Terrain Path Optimization Using the Connectivity Graph Approach Applied to GIS Data Structures,” Nordia Geographical Publications, XXXVIII (2009), 1–85.
3. Jarmo Rusanen is Professor of Geography, University of Oulu. He is the author of, with Toivo Muilu, Alfred Colpaert, and Arvo Naukkarinen, “Georeferenced Data as a Tool for Monitoring the Concentration of Population in Finland, 1970–1998,” Fennia CLXXXI (2004), 129–144.