1. Department of Molecular Pharmacology and The Albert Einstein Cancer Center (H.L., D.V., F.G., M.P.L.) New York 10461
2. Department of Cell Biology and The Albert Einstein Cancer Center (P.I., P.E.S.) New York 10461
3. Department of Pathology (D.M.L.) Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, Missouri 63110
4. Department of Pathology and The Albert Einstein Cancer Center (D.B.B.) Departments of Developmental & Molecular Biology (DMB) and Medicine; New York 10461
5. BD Transduction Laboratories (M.T.W., R.C.-G.) Lexington, Kentucky 40511
6. the Albert Einstein Cancer Center (B.B., R.G.P.) Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, New York 10461