Exogenous and endogenous mortality parameters as indicators of the sanitary and epidemiological status of the population of the region


Leshchenko Yaroslav A.1ORCID,Lisovtsov Aleksandr A.1ORCID


1. East-Siberian Institute of Medical and Ecological Research


Introduction. The concepts of the epidemiological transition and types of population health are applied to analyzing and evaluating the sanitary and epidemiological status of the population. Materials and methods. For many years of mortality, the dynamics of the male population of the Irkutsk region standardized indicators were used (European age standard). For identifying trends of changing mortality rates, an analytical alignment of the time series was used. It was a linear model by EXCEL’s standard tools (Microsoft Office 2007). The significance of the trend equation was calculated using F-test in IBM SPSS Statistics 23 (p < 0,05). Results. It has been established that the formation of various types of pathology and caused by this pathology mortality occurred under the influence of factors of different nature in the process of changes in social, environmental, epidemiological situations in the region. In the 1990 th and the first half of the 2000 th, high mortality rates in the class of diseases of the circulatory system and the class of external causes of morbidity and mortality were determined mainly by psychosocial disadvantage factors. By the class of Diseases of the respiratory system, there was noted a steady decrease in mortality rate from chronic diseases of the lower respiratory tract and pneumonia. It was probably due to an increase in the level and quality of medical care. A steady tendency to increase intensive and extensive mortality rates by class of Certain infectious and parasitic diseases was seen. That was caused by negative changes in infectious and epidemic processes under the influence of man-made pollution was noted. During 2005 - 2015 the digestive system’s share of the class of Diseases in the mortality structure increased. That is due to the prevalence of alcoholic liver disease, chronic alcoholic pancreatitis, complications of the ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Conclusion. The combination of the identified patterns of the formation of intensive and extensive mortality rates determined by exogenous and endogenous factors made it possible to characterize the situation in the Irkutsk region as a relative sanitary and epidemiological disadvantage of the population.


Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Pollution,General Medicine

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