
Basok B.I.ORCID,Baseyev Ye.T.ORCID,Kostogryz K.P.ORCID,Ilienko B.K.ORCID


The increase in global temperature caused by global climate warming is considered. Open data on Ukraine’s energy strategy until 2050, in particular on the production and use of natural gas and hydrogen, are provided. The results of the energy efficiency of the production of primary energy resources are presented, including main renewable energy sources. The relevance of the problem of production and use of hydrogen as a significant renewable source of reducing greenhouse emissions and increasing energy security is presented. The indicators and their critical indicators for the stability and stability of the terrestrial system of the socio-ecological state of the planet Earth are presented — the so-called planetary boundaries of sustainability, it is emphasized that not only climate change, but also the extinction of biodiversity is critical for life. In response to the latter, the main points of the Kunming-Montreal UN Global Framework Program until 2030 in the field of biodiversity are outlined, the main goal of which is to return the biosphere to recovery. Based on this year’s materials of the International Energy Agency, we will generally consider the global state of hydrogen issues from the point of view of the strategy for the development of production, distribution and final use of renewable hydrogen. Some environmental and energy characteristics of electrolytic hydrogen production are presented. Recommendations for the prospects of hydrogen use are given. Bibl. 34, Fig. 7, Tab. 2.


The Gas Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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