1. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi
This study aimed to examine the cognitive structures of music teacher candidates related to the concept of ‘choir’. The data of this study, which was designed with a case study as one of the qualitative research methods, were collected from 110 pre-service music teachers through convenience sampling. Independent word association test and draw-write technique were used as data collection tools, and the obtained data were analyzed by content analysis method. Independent word association test produced findings regarding the following six categories; ‘classification of human voices’, ‘factors affecting vocal integrity’, ‘rules of singing’, ‘musical singing’, ‘complementary elements’ and ‘elements of vocal education in choir’ whereas the findings draw-write technique are similarly grouped under these categories, but no examples of the category of elements of vocal education in the choir were found. As a result of the research, it was found that there was an academic level cognitive structuring based on categories in the cognitive structures of the music teacher candidates related to the concept of ‘choir’, but there was a lack of knowledge in the category of the ‘elements of vocal education in the choir’, that they did not have sufficient scientific knowledge in making sentences, and that some participants held misconceptions about the definition of the choir and the concept of diaphragm-assisted breathing. In line with the results obtained from the research, it is recommended that the elements and functions of vocal education in the choir and the use of diaphragm-assisted breathing need to be taught with concrete expressions, supported through visual diagrams to ensure cognitive learning, and in this respect, active learning strategies should be applied. It is recommended to carefully focus on the conceptualization of the choir, the importance of the mental and physical preparation process and the necessity of speaking exercises before choral work.
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