1. Department of Biology Boston University Boston Massachusetts02215 USA
2. Harvard Forest Harvard University Petersham Massachusetts01366 USA
3. Department of Natural Resources and the Environment University of New Hampshire Durham New Hampshire03824 USA
4. Appalachian Laboratory University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Frostburg Maryland21532 USA
5. Department of Earth & Environment Boston University Boston Massachusetts02215 USA
6. School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Harvard University Cambridge Massachusetts02138 USA
7. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley California94720 USA
8. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management UC Berkeley Berkeley California94720 USA
9. The Ecosystems Center Marine Biological laboratory Woods Hole Massachusetts02543 USA
10. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Michigan Ann Arbor Michigan48109 USA
11. Earth Systems Research Center University of New Hampshire Durham New Hampshire03824 USA
12. School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems Northern Arizona University Flagstaff Arizona86011 USA
13. Center for Ecosystem Science and Society Northern Arizona University Flagstaff Arizona86011 USA
14. Woods Hole Research Center 149 Woods Hole Road Falmouth Massachusetts02540 USA
15. Graduate School of Geography and Department of Biology Clark University Worcester Massachusetts01610 USA