Low‐lying Negative Ion States Probed in Potassium – Ethanol Collisions


Lozano Ana Isabel123ORCID,Kumar Sarvesh123ORCID,Pereira Pedro J. S.1234ORCID,Kerkeni Boutheïna56ORCID,García Gustavo7ORCID,Limão‐Vieira Paulo123ORCID


1. Atomic and Molecular Collisions Laboratory CEFITEC Department of Physics Universidade NOVA de Lisboa 2829-516 Caparica Portugal

2. Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP) Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier CNRS CNES 9 Avenue du Colonel Roche 31028 Toulouse France

3. Chemical Sciences Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory One Cyclotron Road Berkeley 94720 California USA

4. Department of Mathematics Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa R. Conselheiro Emídio Navarro 1 1959-007 Lisboa Portugal

5. ISAMM Université de la Manouba La Manouba 2010 Tunisia

6. Département de Physique LPMC Faculté des Sciences de Tunis Université de Tunis el Manar Tunis 2092 Tunisia

7. Instituto de Física Fundamental, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Serrano 113-bis 28006 Madrid Spain


AbstractDissociative electron transfer in collisions between neutral potassium atoms and neutral ethanol molecules yields mainly OH, followed by C2H5O, O, CH3 and CH2. The dynamics of negative ions have been investigated by recording time‐of‐flight mass spectra in a wide range of collision energies from 17.5 to 350 eV in the lab frame, where the branching ratios show a relevant energy dependence for low/intermediate collision energies. The dominant fragmentation channel in the whole energy range investigated has been assigned to the hydroxyl anion in contrast to oxygen anion from dissociative electron attachment (DEA) experiments. This result shows the relevant role of the electron donor in the vicinity of the temporary negative ion formed allowing access to reactions which are not thermodynamically attained in DEA experiments. The electronic state spectroscopy of such negative ions, was obtained from potassium cation energy loss spectra in the forward scattering direction at 205 eV impact energy, showing a prevalent Feshbach resonance at 9.36±0.10 eV with character, while a less pronounced contribution assigned to a shape resonance has been obtained at 3.16±0.10 eV. Quantum chemical calculations for the lowest‐lying unoccupied molecular orbitals in the presence of a potassium atom have been performed to support the experimental findings.





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