1. Energy Analysis and Sustainability Division Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Cambridge MA USA
2. National Renewable Energy Laboratory Denver W. Pkwy, Golden CO USA
3. Lexidyne, LLC, Colorado Springs, CO USA and Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth Hanover NH USA
4. Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies Cambridge MA USA
5. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Cambridge MA USA
6. Composite Materials and Engineering Center Washington State University Pullman WA USA
7. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Washington State University Pullman WA USA
8. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics University of Tennessee Knoxville TN USA
9. Department of Natural Resources and Society University of Idaho Moscow ID USA
10. Environmental Measurement and Modeling Division Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Cambridge MA USA
11. Office of Environment and Energy Federal Aviation Administration Washington DC USA
12. Bioenergy Technologies Office Department of Energy Washington DC USA