1. Use of ultra-violet light for determining whether fresh or frozen fish has passed through rigor mortis. In Freezing and Irradiation of Fish (Ed.), Fishing News (Books) Ltd, London, 1969, pp. 376–377.
2. Characteristics of white muscle fluorescence in pre-rigor fish. In Fish Inspection and Quality Control (Ed.), Fishing News (Books) Ltd, London, 1971, pp. 211–215.
3. ; ; Automated methods for total nitrogen, direct available P2O5, and K2O in fertilisers. In Automation in Analytical Chemistry, Technicon Symposium 1967, pp. 239–251.
4. Use of Ultraviolet Light to find Parasitic Nematodes in situ
5. Protein denaturation in frozen fish. VI.—Cold-storage studies on cod using the cell fragility method