1. Comparison of Near-Surface Air Temperature Variability in 11 Coupled Global Climate Models
2. The cause of warming over Norway in the ECHAM4/OPYC3 GHG integration
3. 2000a. Analysis of gridded sea level pressure and 2-meter temperature for 1873-1998 based on UEA and NCEP re-analysis II. KLIMA 03/00. DNMI, PO Box 43 Blindern, 0313 Oslo, Norway.
4. 2000b. Fifteen Global Climate Scenarios: The conversion to netCDF and quality control. KLIMA 16/00. DNMI, PO Box 43 Blindern, 0313 Oslo, Norway.
5. 2000c. Future Climate Scenarios for Norway based on linear empirical downscaling and inferred directly from AOGCM results. KLIMA 23/00. DNMI, PO Box 43 Blindern, 0313 Oslo, Norway.