Mangrove forest drag and bed stabilisation effects on intertidal flat morphology


Gijsman Rik1ORCID,Horstman Erik M.1ORCID,Swales Andrew2ORCID,MacDonald Iain T.2,Bouma Tjeerd J.34,van der Wal Daphne45ORCID,Wijnberg Kathelijne M.1


1. Coastal Systems and Nature‐Based Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technology University of Twente Enschede The Netherlands

2. Coastal and Estuarine Physical Processes Group National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Hamilton New Zealand

3. Department of Physical Geography Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands

4. Department of Estuarine and Delta Systems NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research Yerseke The Netherlands

5. Department of Water Resources, Faculty of Geo‐Information Science and Earth Observation University of Twente Enschede The Netherlands


AbstractMangrove trees influence their physical environment by exerting drag on tidal flows and waves while also stabilising the sediment bed of intertidal flats. These processes influence sediment accretion, the mangrove habitat and their resilience to sea level rise. However, little is known about the magnitude and spatial extent of the effects of mangrove forests on sediment transport and the morphology of the intertidal flat. We use manipulated simulations with an extended process‐based numerical model, to study the influence of mangrove forests on intertidal flat morphology on a yearly timescale. The model includes the influence of mangrove trees on tidal flows, waves and sediment dynamics. The model is calibrated and validated with a comprehensive set of measurement data including hydrodynamics, sediment transport and morphological processes from an expanding mangrove forest in the sediment‐rich Firth of Thames estuary in Aotearoa New Zealand.Sediment accretion on the upper intertidal flat is predominantly influenced by the characteristic morphology of the established mangrove forest, with increased bed stability at higher mudflat elevations related to prolonged aerial exposure and drying of the bed. Our results show that, in comparison to the situation without mangroves, sediment accretion increases in the most seaward fringe area of the forest. The unvegetated intertidal flat fronting the mangrove forest captures less sediment compared to the situation without mangroves. The mangrove forest drag triggers the development of a steeper, convex‐up‐shaped, upper intertidal flat profile, especially during periods with higher water levels and waves. These effects are expected to influence the development and storm‐recovery of natural and restored mangrove forests and may contribute to the resilience and persistence of mangrove‐vegetated intertidal flats for coastal flood risk reduction.


Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek




Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Earth-Surface Processes,Geography, Planning and Development







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