1. United States Fish and Wildlife Service; 927 N Main Street; Pleasantville; NJ; 08232; USA
2. United States Department of Agriculture; Natural Resources Conservation Service; 501 W Felix Street, Building 23, P.O. Box 6567; Fort Worth; TX; 76115; USA
3. The Nature Conservancy; 32 S Ewing; Helena; MT; 59601; USA
4. School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences; 3301 Forestry and Wildlife Sciences Building, Auburn University; AL; 36849-5418; USA
5. Ducks Unlimited Canada; National Headquarters; Oak Hammock Marsh; Stonewall; MB ROC 2Z0; Canada
6. Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources; University of Vermont; Burlington; VT; 05405; USA
7. Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory; 230 Cherry Street; Fort Collins; CO 80521; USA