1. Material Objects. Teacher's Guide. Preliminary Edition. Science Curriculum Improvement Study. D. C. Heath&Co., Boston, 1966, page vii.
2. An Evaluation of Certain Cognitive Aspects of the Material Objects Unit of the Science Curriculum Improvement Study Elementary Science Program. Honolulu: Mimeograph report, College of Education, University of Hawaii, November 1969.
3. Science Curriculum Improvement Study Evaluation Development: Material Objects Unit. Berkeley: Science Curriculum Improvement Study, University of California, Spring 1966.
4. An Exploratory Investigation of the Effects of an Initial Experience with SCIS's Material Objects Unit on First Grade Children and Their Teachers. Berkeley, California: Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, 1968.
5. An examination of the visual classificatory ability of children who have been exposed to one of the “new” elementary science programs