1. Overview of world dried grape production, in A Treatise on Raisin Production, Processing, and Marketing, ed. by and . Malcolm Media Press, Clovis, CA, pp. 1–35 (2002).
2. Background and resources, in Raisin Production Manual, ed. by UC Agricultural and Natural Resources Communications Services, Oakland, CA, pp. 3–6 (2000).
3. and , Harvesting and drying raisin grapes, in Raisin Production Manual, ed. by UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Communications Services, Oakland, CA, pp. 193–206 (2000).
4. Raisin harvest mechanization: a bit of history, in Raisin Production Manual, ed. by UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Communications Services, Oakland, CA, pp. 245–251 (2000).
5. Effects of time of season, fruit depth and covering at night when ground drying, on acceptable moisture content of sultana raisins