1. Phantom‐g CICECO–Aveiro Institute of Materials Physics Department University of Aveiro Aveiro 3810‐193 Portugal
2. ICGM ‐ UMR 5253 CNRS, ENSCM Univ. Montpellier Montpellier cedex 5 Montpellier 34095 France
3. INPAC – Institute for Nanoscale Physics and Chemistry Pulsed Field Group Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Celestijnenlaan 200D Leuven B‐3001 Belgium
4. Theory of Nanomaterials Group Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Celesijnenlaan 200F Heverlee B‐3001 Belgium
5. Laboratoire des Multimatériaux et Interfaces UMR CNRS 5615 Univ Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Villeurbanne F‐69622 France
6. Department of Electric and Computer Engineering and Instituto de Telecomunicações Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade de Lisboa Lisbon 1049‐001 Portugal