1. Traité de mécanique rationellen, t I, 1941, t II, 1953, Gauthier-Villars, Paris.
2. On the Gauss' principle, in the collection: “Stability of motion and the works on analytical mechanics”, Izd. AN SSR 1962 (in Russian).
3. Elements of nonholonomic mechanics, Izd. Vysshaja shkola, Moscow 1970 (in Russian).
4. On the motion of a mechanical system with nonholonomic constraints of second orders, Prikl. Mat. Mekh., 1973, N· 2 (in Russian).
5. Canonical equations of a mechanical system with linear nonholonomic constraints of second orders, Prikl. Mekh. 1975, N· 2, Kiew (in Russian).