1. Dep. of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Iowa State Univ. Ames IA 50011 USA
2. Dep. of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering Univ. of Minnesota 204 Kaufert Lab, 2004 Folwell Avenue St. Paul MN 55108 USA
3. Soil and Water Management Research Unit USDA‐ARS 1991 Upper Buford Circle, 439 Borlaug Hall St. Paul MN 55108 USA
4. National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment USDA‐ARS, 2110 University Boulevard Ames IA 50011 USA
5. Genomics and Environmental Research in Microbial Systems Lab, Dep. of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Iowa State Univ. 3346 Elings Hall Ames IA 50011 USA
6. Water Quality Research Lab, Dep. of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Iowa State Univ. 3358 Elings Hall Ames IA 50011 USA