1. Department of Glaciology and Climate; Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland; Copenhagen Denmark
2. Now at Department of Earth Sciences; University of New Brunswick; Fredericton New Brunswick Canada
3. Department of Environmental Sciences, Environmental Change Research Unit; University of Helsinki; Helsinki Finland
4. Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate, Department of Geosciences; Arctic University of Norway; Tromsø Norway
5. CENPERM, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management; Copenhagen University; Copenhagen Denmark
6. UMI3376 TAKUVIK, Department of Biology; CNRS and Université Laval; Quebec City Quebec Canada
7. Arctic Research Centre; Aarhus University; Aarhus Denmark
8. Centre for Earth Observation Science, Department of Environment and Geography; University of Manitoba; Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
9. Department of Marine Geology; Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland; Copenhagen Denmark
10. Centre for Past Climate Studies, Department of Geoscience; Aarhus University; Aarhus Denmark