1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science University of Sistan and Baluchestan Zahedan Iran
2. Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences Kharazmi University Tehran Iran
3. Department of Histology School of Medicine, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Zahedan Iran
AbstractOne type of epigenetic modification is genomic DNA methylation, which is induced by smoking, and both are associated with male infertility. In this study, the relationship between smoking and CHD5 gene methylation and semen parameters in infertile men was determined. After the MS‐PCR of blood in 224 samples, 103 infertile patients (62 smokers and 41 non‐smokers) and 121 fertile men, methylation level changes between groups and the effect of methylation and smoking on infertility and semen parameters in infertile men were determined. The results showed that there is a significant difference in the methylation status (MM, MU, UU) of the CHD5 gene between the patient and the control group, and this correlation also exists for the semen parameters (p < .001). The average semen parameters in smokers decreased significantly compared to non‐smokers and sperm concentration was (32.21 ± 5.27 vs. 55.27 ± 3.38), respectively. MM methylation status was higher in smokers (22.5%) compared to non‐smokers (14.6%). Smoking components affect the methylation pattern of CHD5 gene, and smokers had higher methylation levels and lower semen parameters than non‐smokers, which can be biomarkers for evaluating semen quality and infertility risk factors. Understanding the epigenetic effects of smoking on male infertility can be very useful for predicting negative consequences of smoking and providing therapeutic solutions.
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