1. Computational Electronics and Nanoscience Research Laboratory School of Nanoscience and Biotechnology Shivaji University Kolhapur 416004 India
2. Department of Electronic Engineering Kyung Hee University Yongin 17107 Republic of Korea
3. Yashwantrao Chavan School of Rural Development Shivaji University Kolhapur 416004 India
4. Department of Mechanical Engineering Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering Kolhapur 416013 India
5. Department of Chemistry Shivaji University Kolhapur 416012 India
6. Department of Physics The New College Shivaji University Kolhapur 416012 India
7. Department of Electronics Shivaji University Kolhapur 416004 India
8. Institute of Science Dr. Homi Bhabha State University 15, Madam Cama Road Mumbai 400032 India