AlphaFold2‐guided description of CoBaHMA, a novel family of bacterial domains within the heavy‐metal‐associated superfamily


Gaschignard Geoffroy1,Millet Maxime1,Bruley Apolline1,Benzerara Karim1,Dezi Manuela1,Skouri‐Panet Feriel1,Duprat Elodie1,Callebaut Isabelle1


1. Sorbonne Université Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, UMR CNRS 7590, Institut de Minéralogie, de Physique des Matériaux et de Cosmochimie, IMPMC Paris France


AbstractThree‐dimensional (3D) structure information, now available at the proteome scale, may facilitate the detection of remote evolutionary relationships in protein superfamilies. Here, we illustrate this with the identification of a novel family of protein domains related to the ferredoxin‐like superfold, by combining (i) transitive sequence similarity searches, (ii) clustering approaches, and (iii) the use of AlphaFold2 3D structure models. Domains of this family were initially identified in relation with the intracellular biomineralization of calcium carbonates by Cyanobacteria. They are part of the large heavy‐metal‐associated (HMA) superfamily, departing from the latter by specific sequence and structural features. In particular, most of them share conserved basic amino acids  (hence their name CoBaHMA for Conserved Basic residues HMA), forming a positively charged surface, which is likely to interact with anionic partners. CoBaHMA domains are found in diverse modular organizations in bacteria, existing in the form of monodomain proteins or as part of larger proteins, some of which are membrane proteins involved in transport or lipid metabolism. This suggests that the CoBaHMA domains may exert a regulatory function, involving interactions with anionic lipids. This hypothesis might have a particular resonance in the context of the compartmentalization observed for cyanobacterial intracellular calcium carbonates.


Agence Nationale de la Recherche




Molecular Biology,Biochemistry,Structural Biology







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