Near‐bed stratification controls bottom hypoxia in ice‐covered alpine lakes


Perga Marie‐Elodie12ORCID,Minaudo Camille34ORCID,Doda Tomy5ORCID,Arthaud Florent6,Beria Harsh7,Chmiel Hannah E.4,Escoffier Nicolas1ORCID,Lambert Thibault1,Napolleoni Raphaelle8,Obrador Biel9ORCID,Perolo Pascal1ORCID,Rüegg Janine1,Ulloa Hugo10ORCID,Bouffard Damien15ORCID


1. Faculty of Geoscience and Environment University of Lausanne Lausanne Switzerland

2. Geopolis, UNIL (on behalf of the Lacs Sentinelles Network) Lausanne Switzerland

3. Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences University of Barcelona Barcelona Spain

4. Physics of Aquatic Systems Laboratory, Margaretha Kamprad Chair Institute of Environmental Engineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Lausanne Switzerland

5. Department of Surface Waters—Research and Management Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology Kastanienbaum Switzerland

6. UMR CARRTEL University Savoie‐MontBlanc Le Bourget du Lac France

7. Department of Environmental Systems Science ETH Zurich Zurich Switzerland

8. ASTERS (on behalf of the Lacs Sentinelles Network) Pringy France

9. Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBio) University of Barcelona Barcelona Spain

10. Department of Earth and Environmental Science University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA


AbstractIn ice‐covered lakes, near‐bottom oxygen concentration decreases for most of the wintertime, sometimes down to the point that bottom waters become hypoxic. Studies insofar have reached divergent conclusions on whether climate change limits or reinforces the extent and duration of hypoxia under ice, raising the need for a comprehensive understanding of the drivers of the dissolved oxygen (DO) dynamics under lake ice. Using high‐temporal resolution time series of DO concentration and temperature across 14 mountain lakes, we showed that the duration of bottom hypoxia under ice varies from 0 to 236 d within lakes and among years. The variability of hypoxia duration was primarily explained by changes in the decay rate of DO above the lake bottom rather than by differences in DO concentration at the ice onset or in the ice‐cover duration. We observed that the DO decay rate was primarily linked to physical controls (i.e., deep‐water warming) rather than biogeochemical drivers (i.e., proxies for lake or catchment productivity). Using a simple numerical model, we provided a proof‐of‐concept that the near‐bed stratification can be the mechanism tying the DO decay rate to the sediment heat release under the ice. We ultimately showed that the DO decay rate and hypoxia duration are driven by the summer light climate, with faster oxygen decline found under the ice of clearer cryostratified alpine lakes. We derived a framework theorizing how the hypoxia duration might change under the ice of alpine lakes in a warmer climate.




Aquatic Science,Oceanography

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