1. Department of Chemistry; Sapienza University of Rome; 00185 Rome Italy
2. Tissue Engineering Lab; Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma; 00128 Rome Italy
3. Institute of Physical Chemistry; Polish Academy of Sciences; 01224 Warsaw Poland
4. Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Princeton University; Princeton NJ 08544 USA
5. Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter; Institute of Fundamental Technological Research; Polish Academy of Sciences; Pawinskiego 5B 02-106 Warsaw Poland
6. Center for Life Nano Science IIT@Sapienza; Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia I-00161 Rome Italy
7. Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology; 00-661 Warsaw Poland
8. Department of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences; University of L'Aquila; 67100 L'Aquila Italy
9. Telecom Physique Strasbourg; 67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden France